Friday, July 26, 2013

Searching For Ben Affleck (Kickstarter Film Project)

Searching For Ben Affleck 
My name is Anthony Terracciano, I'm in the movie Argo, if you've seen it, you've seen me but my name isn't on my performance. Nobody knows it's me because Argo didn't give me a credit at the end of the film, not only that, IMDb won't recognize me for my work in Argo, they won't even list me as an "uncredited" actor in the film. That is why I set out to make this film, I believe Ben Affleck is a good person and when he is made aware of this small injustice that he will intervene and help me get the credit I deserve on IMDb. My friends and I went everywhere trying to get this interview with Ben, we went to movie premieres, parties, restaurants, etc..All in hopes of talking with Ben or meeting someone who will help us get closer to reaching Ben and talking with him about this injustice. As an interesting side-note, not only am I not credited for my performance, I helped choreograph and improvise the scene with Ben Affleck, we rehearsed it four times and got it in three takes. You know, I worked 12 hours on the film Argo that day and I made less than $100, I don't get any residual checks and no one knows it's me.  This is a true injustice in the world of Hollywood movie making and when I get my interview with Ben Affleck we will see how he reacts, will he help me get my well deserved credit? Will he not care? Watch the film and find out.

If you would like to pledge to the making of this documentary film please visit Kickstarter and pledge to "Searching For Ben Affleck" or click link below:                                    

Searching For Ben Affleck TRAILER :

Thank you for your support!!